HUNTER JOHN AND JANE is coming to JACK in 2018.

I’m excited to announce that my play with songs, HUNTER JOHN AND JANE, will premiere at JACK (Brooklyn, NY), August 2-18, 2018. The production will be directed by Sash Bischoff. HUNTER JOHN AND JANE is a #metoo play, focusing on the relationship between an alcoholic homeless man and the ghost of a murdered prostitute. After Jane enlists John to find her remains in the city park, the two embark on a spiritual journey that, in the end, makes them less alone. The play is a call for social justice, an attempt to shine a light on the marginalized and to explore the ways in which they are seen and not seen in society. More soon!

PS If you’d like to make a donation towards this production, you can go to my Fractured Atlas page at HUNTER JOHN AND JANE.



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